Decolonize DNA Day 2020

On April 24, 2020 I participated in the first Decolonize DNA Twitter conference . This conference was created and organized by Krystal Tsosie as an online space to hold conversations about the social implications of genetics research. From the conference website:

As part of larger DNA Day celebrations, the conference will critically discuss the impacts of genomics and DNA on society as a whole. Especially for communities who are generally underrepresented in genomics, many have complex relationships with how genomics studies are conducted. Thus, our goal is to provide a platform for academics to voice these concerns to a broader audience.

To view my tweet talk presentation on using ancient DNA to revisit & reconsider the historical record in the Americas follow this Twitter thread.

To see Krystal's amazing overview of what it means to decolonize DNA research follow her tweet talk thread here. I also highly recommend checking out the other speaker's interesting and very engaging tweet talks on the conference Twitter page @DecolonizeDNA or following their individual twitter profiles.

The conference and its amazing organizer also elicited some cool press coverage. I am very excited to have participated in this event and cannot wait for the next edition!


New paper: Genomic insights into the early peopling of the Caribbean


Ancient DNA and Mofongo on the Sausage of Science Podcast